Looking Forward to Fall 2013

My Top 5 (returning shows)

  1. Breaking Bad (Final Season!!)
  2. Vampire Diaries (Season 5 – and The Originals season 1)
  3. Chicago Fire (Season 2 – Its my guilty pleasure…although not looking forward to its spinoff)
  4. Community (Season 5 – Dan Harmon is back!)
  5. Nashville (Season 2 – Really just to find out what happens after the cliff-hanger ending)

Breaking Bad

New Shows worth a Look:

  1. The Blacklist (just watch the trailer. You’ll see. )
  2. Almost Human (i think Keith Urban is good in anything he does)
  3. The Originals (there better be a Vamp D/Originals crossover soon)

A review of the Spring season 2013

My Top 5 Shows (in no particular order)

  1. Game of Thrones (the Red Wedding, anyone?)
  2. The Walking Dead (the first half of the season was EPIC and while it slackened off a bit after the mid-season finale, it still fits into my top 5)
  3. Mad Men (finally a good season after a boring season 5)
  4. House of Cards (well played, Netflix, well played)
  5. Chicago Fire (finally a new show with likeable characters with good chemistry)

Honourable mentions: 

  1. Castle (a bit slow…but the ending really enticed me into season 6)
  2. New Girl (Nick and Jess 4eva. x)
  3. Nashville (a controversial inclusion, i know. A plethora of annoying characters, but i watch it for Deacon)
  4. The Office (its final season, y’all!)
  5. Smash (i watched every episode, but lets face it. it wasn’t great. I only continued to watch because of its move to Saturday night; a good Sunday hangover show).
  6. Girls (on-and-off. but still worth a mention)
  7. Vampire Diaries (always. x)